Monday, May 29, 2006


[If you are here about the Shangri-la diet click on: Diet Link Index]

More than fifty years ago, LeRoy Marsh got on his bicycle and rode thirty miles to the L.A. Coliseum. When he got there, he borrowed a pair of running shoes and as a sixteen-year-old, he tied Jesse Owens' Olympic record in sprinting. Woodruff Wilson in South Pasadena used to have a plaque in his memory. LeRoy then disappeared.

A while back he was added to a list of amazing Black athletes who disappeared.

Well, he was an amazing athlete, but he isn't missing. He is my 75 year-old father. Stereotyped names and running events to the contrary, he is blond like I am. Still, it is nice to know someone remembered my Dad, even if for the wrong reason. He is visiting with us for my daughter's graduation, and I'm very glad he isn't missing.

Though he is still amazing, even if he no longer runs quite so fast.


Justin B. said...

That's very interesting. What was the occasion for the race and what distance was it? How long did your father keep running in competitions?

Stephen said...

It was a major California track meet and he was running the one hundred yard dash I think.

My dad then broke his foot in a lifeguarding accident that summer and then later broke his back in a football accident and did not run the same afterwards.

He did beat the medical predictions and learned to walk again.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was an amazing feat!

Your daughter is graduating too. I know two people from Nauvoo forum who have daughters graduating. My step-niece just had her graduation last Thursday.

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing story.

Congrats on Shangri-La success.