Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Barbecue at the Marsh Home June 12

We are having a sort of housewarming party. As my wife says

The floors are mostly complete, the walls are mostly painted .. curtains are not up and very little is hung on the walls. But .. We are tired of working and we are ready to take a break.

Friday June 12
BBQ at the Marsh home
Bring a side dish if you think about it.
Bring your kids.
Pool and spa are available
(I doubt anyone but the kids will swim)
Drop us an email if you can make it.

Yes, if you are in the area, you are welcome to come by.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Well, Dallas is a long way away, and I'd have to take Friday off work. My vacation time is minimal and precious. But I hope you have a wonderful time and that LOTS of people show up!