Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Is this true (would like feedback on an NPR article)

Upset Men And The Happy Women Who Love Them

Lovers argue.

Men like it when women let them know when they're happy. Women like it when men share their anger and frustration.
Well, that sounds like a bit of a problem.
But the good news, researchers say, is that what matters most in a relationship is whether it feels like the other person is really trying to relate to the emotions, whether they're happy or sad.
It's not so hard to understand why men get satisfaction out of seeing their wife or girlfriend happy. Wouldn't anyone?

Is this really true?

Read the full story at NPR:  http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/03/06/148049574/upset-men-and-the-happy-women-who-love-them?ps=cprs


Anonymous said...

To me, the implication is that all communication is good communication.

Anonymous said...

yes, the best relationships are highly communicative, and i think that makes it easier to weather the natural ups and downs.