Friday, July 08, 2005

Brigham Young said this, "We think the sisters ought to have the privilege to study various branches of knowledge that they may develop the powers with which they are endowed. Women are useful, not only to sweep houses, wash dishes, make beds, and raise babies, but they may also stand behind the counter, study law and physic [medicine], or become good bookkeepers, and all this to enlarge their sphere or usefulness for the benefit of society at large. In following these things they but answer the design of their creation."

In that regards, explorations, "Am I not a woman and a sister?" But what does it mean to be a woman, a sister, a feminist, a Latter-day Saint?

I always liked that quote while I was at BYU's law school, and it encouraged me when my wife was working towards her CRNA.

Alot easier to post on than the fact Robin would have been baptised this week and too many girls in our congregation who would have been Jessica's age are getting married. We even held one of the bridal showers in our house. Sometimes it is just too hard.


Anonymous said...

Great quote. Thanks for sharing.

lochan said...

I've been sitting here for a couple of minutes trying to write something. But there are no right words.

I wish it wasn't so hard and I wish your family peace.

Anonymous said...

Stephen, You are in my thoughts. I really appreciate that you share your feelings and continued struggles with the rest of us. I believe that you have helped many (me included).

My struggles are certainly different than yours. I am isolated from the world right now with environmental illness. I have trouble tolerating being in this world and can no longer take care of my little boy. The internet has become my link to the outside and I depend on it and these blogs for a connection. I mostly lurk, but I wanted to tell you that I'm thinking of you and wish you the best.

annegb said...

I have been going through a terrible time. I wasn't going to post about it, but Stephen said I could, on his blog.

July is always a hard month for me because both my sons were born in July. My husband, daughter, and stepchildren, and most of my friends do not remember this. I don't usually say much, I hear from a few friends on-line who I have bonded with over the deaths of our children. It's very very difficult to mourn alone.

I know my sisters loved my family, I know my first husbands' family loved them, too, but nobody mentions these terrible anniversaries and I never discuss it with my husband.

It's been more difficult this year because of some other tragedies, the cancer of a friend, one of my closest friends' is dealing with a terrible tragedy, and I am preparing for my daughter's wedding.

My husband and son died in August 1973.
James shot himself October 1, 18 years later, six days after he sent me a card and some very expensive jewelry for my birthday.

My daughter has chosen September 30 for her wedding date. I usually sort of survive until after October, but I will have to take on a lot on this year. I don't want to spoil my daughter's joy and maybe the date will have a new and better meaning for me.

But I'm in a very bad place.

Unfortunately for the other bloggers, I am so emotionally wounded at the moment that I am finding myself taking on anything and anybody. Because who cares?

I wish I could say that was cathartic.

Stephen said...


So many people think they will just make things better if they ignore them. So often in our culture the response to loss is to sweep it under the table (and to expect it to be resolved in 30 minutes and gone by next week as in a sit-com).

My heart goes out to you. I surely wish you the best in this time and hope that you do find some things cathartic.


lochan said...

I'm sorry for your pain. That must be very hard.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link, Stephen. I've linked to you in my sidebar.

I'm sorry for your losses and the hard times you have. Same to annegb. Laura is right - there aren't any words to say what I would say.