Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Rachel had a fall, followed by vomit episodes. A CT scan, a little time, everything is ok, but quite the scare, especially with a hospital visit over a holiday.

She has been doing so well. Reading at a second grade level -- not bad for a four year old. But she holds our hearts, all of us. She enjoyed the hospital visit and I'm glad for good insurance and small deductible payments.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Poor thing. I'm glad she's ok.

Gunner said...

When it is hard to find two nickels to rub together that small deductable is a life saver. I was in the emergency room two times in three weeks and a year earlier the bill would have hounded us for months to years later. Now we had just one small payment and things were fine.
I was simply dehydrated for one of the visits. Felt rather foolish.

Stephen said...

I've had large deductables and broken total coverage caps as well. It is a terrible thing to have happen.