Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day

This week I had the first good Father's Day I've had since 1992. I've started half a dozen posts on Father's Day, from one about my dad's music (based on NPR) to a grief recover one, to just my surprise at not only how pleasant the day was, but how much I appreciate my wife's live and kindness and my children.

I'm still not completely able to express any of that, but it was a good day. I miss my dad, I miss my girls, I miss having Heather at college (she came back early this year and had to go back for work) but I loved talking with her on the phone, waking up with my wife (to go running before it got hot), breakfast "in bed" (actually on the couch in the office, too sweaty from the run to eat in bed), taking cookies to High Priests' group (my wife felt they needed treats again) and just a wonderfully pleasant day, down to being able to fall asleep knowing Win would be there.

I was happy. I am happy now. I'll leave it at that.

I've also done another book review. The book ends on dealing with grief, which I left out of my review. Recommended, though to a narrow audience.

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