I know, this looks like an advertisement. I know, this is a copy of an advertisement.
But (1) no one is paying or compensating me to post this and (2) it is really neat stuff. So, I'm sharing it.
For an alternative to these tiny houses, http://www.desertteardrops.com/window.html
six years, Dee Williams has been living in her tiny Tumbleweed home and
championing the cause for the Small House Movement.
"I sold my big house and got rid
of most of my stuff, limiting myself to about 300 things -- that was everything
from heels and a toothbrush, a couple of dinner plates, and a two-ton jack. I
then bought a set of plans from Tumbleweed. Four months later I had my
tiny dream house."
"I have been
living in the house for about a year now and absolutely love it. It is
perfect for just one person, with the occasional visitor coming over for a cozy
dinner around my tiny table. While most homeowners spend their own free time
cleaning the house, my cleaning routine rarely takes 20 minutes. I am happy to
have as much free time, friend time, and happy hour time as possible to
myself!" -Brittaney Yunker,
Homeowner at 25 years old
more here.
Join tiny house guru
Jay Shafer as he describes how he's built over a dozen tiny homes. He walks you
through the process from the foundation to the roof. Jay shares his personal
stories of using a composting toilet, driving his house, and finding free places
to live.
also go in depth on the principles of designing a tiny house, and Jay gets hands
on with your own designs - giving you personal advice for your specific
needs. Learn
more about the workshops.
89 sq
Construction Plans
Ready-Made House
$45,997 |
117 sq
Construction Plans
Ready-Made House
$49,997 |
750 or 847 sq feet,
2 or 3 bdrms
Construction Plans
Tiny House Company, PO Box 1907, Boyes Hot Springs, CA 95416
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