"Religion, Conflict, and Peace:"
Walking The Talk to Compassion and Harmony
April 8-10, 2011
Henry Ford Community College
Dearborn, Michigan USA
A Multi-disciplinary, Multi-cultural Conference
an Official Partner and Event of
the Charter For Compassion
the Parliament of World's Religions
Keynotes by: Huston Smith and Rabbi David RosenTo be confirmed: US Represenative John Dingell
Sponsored by:
Common Bond Institute, Co-Sponsored by:
Pathways To Peace, Henry Ford Community College,
Parashakti Temple, Bharatiya Temple, Hindu American Foundation
International Humanistic Psychology AssociationSupported by: Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan
Endorsed by over 100 universities and organizations internationally
Full Conference Details at: www.cbiworld.org/Pages/Conferences_RCP.htm
(copy & paste address into your browser)
~ Registration is Open All ~
We Invite You To:
an inclusive, interactive 3-day public forum promoting Inter-religious and Intra-religious dialogue to explore the challenges of Social Paranoia, Intolerance, Negative Stereotyping, and Scapegoating, and the promise of Reason, Understanding, Compassion, and Cultural Harmony.
JOIN over 40 Presenters and Facilitators as we explore:
1) The mutual dilemmas of religious ignorance, extremism, intolerance, negative stereotypes, prejudice, demonization and dehumanization, scapegoating, and fear of "the other," that can lead to toxic divisiveness, polarization, and social paranoia targeting any religious/cultural communities, including the current example of Islamophobia and it's impact on the Muslim community,
2) The power of personal engagement through dialogue and practical applications in promoting a shared consciousness of peace - and in doing so promoting the religious experience as a healing remedy rather than problem.
An outstanding, diverse gathering of presenters for 3 Days of: keynotes, workshops, topical panels, live 2-way global links to groups in Israel and Jordan, facilitated dialogue groups and action planning, Tibetan Sand Mandala ritual, evening cultural performances, displays, multicultural community, and rich networking for collaborative action beyond the conference.
"It does not require that we be the same to be appreciative of, at peace with, and secure in our relationships with each other; only that we be familiar enough with each others story to share the humanity and trustworthiness that resides in each of us."
LOCATION: Henry Ford Community College
5101 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI. USA
SCHEDULE: Fri. April 8, 10:00 am -to- Sun. April 10, 2:30 pm
(On-site Registration opens 8:30 am)
FOR DETAILS on Program, Registration, Fees, Site, Program Ads, and Displays CONTACT:
Common Bond Institute
Details at Website: www.cbiworld.org
Steve Olweean, Conference Coordinator
12170 S. Pine Ayr Drive, Climax, MI 49034 USA Ph/Fax: 269-665-9393 Email: SOlweean@aol.com
Visit Us On Social Media
Find people, dialogue, videos, photos, conference proceedings, and moreFacebook: http://tinyurl.com/CBIonFB
Twitter: http://twitter.com/CommonBondInst
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/CBI4Peace?feature=mhsn
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